
01698 328484

Mon - Fri 7.30am - 4.30pm

Sat 7.30am - 4pm

01698 263030

Mon - Fri 7.30am - 4pm

Sat 7.30am - 3.30pm


Pork – Tips, Advice & Cooking Times

Buying Pork:

Joints to choose: Loin or joint from the leg.

Weight to allow: A 3 to 4lb (1.4 to 1.8) boned joint gives 6 to 8 good portions. Allow slightly more weight if buying the joint on the bone.


Cranberry and Apple Sauces:
Blend equal quantities of apple puree and cranberry sauce.

Port Wine Sauce
Boil ¾ pint (450ml) beef stock with a peeled onion and several strips of orange rind: cool then strain.
Heat 2oz (50g) butter, stir in 1½ oz (40g) four, then stock, 3 tablespoons orange marmalade. Heat steadily, stirring until thickened. Add ¼ pint (150ml) port wine, heat without boiling. Season well.

Boiled or Duchesse potatoes; or green beans and broccoli.

For Good Crackling:
Ask your Butcher to score the rind, stand meat on trivet in roasting tin, rind uppermost. Brush with oil and
sprinkle with salt. Do not cover.

Cooking Times
375° F / 190° C / Gas Mark 5.
Allow 30 to 35 minutes per lb (450g) plus 30 minutes.

Carving Pork:
Carve loin downwards and leg joint across the grain.

Using Cooked Pork:
It is delicious in salads and makes luxury Cottage Pie.

Your local world award winning butcher shop